Album And Song Rating
In Musicnizer, you can rate your music albums and individual songs. As of this writing, the two ratings are to be set independently.
For individual songs, rating can be set in the "Edit info" window:
In the lower part of the window, all tracks of the album are displayed. In the "Rating" column, click stars to set rating. One star is one point, so your rating can be from 1 through 5.
In the "Edit info" window, you can also rate the entire album. Just enter a value from 1 through 10 into the "My rating" field on the left.
On the album's page the ratings look like this (the Modern interface is used):
The album rating is displayed under the cover art, on the left ("My rating"). Here you can also change it by clicking the stars. Each star represents two points, so each half of a star can be clicked separately.
Album ratings can further be used in different places. For example, the "Best rated" tab on the home page shows albums sorted by rating:
The entire album list can also be sorted by rating. Just select "Manage" - "Sort album list by" - "My rating":
At the bottom of the album list, you can apply a filter to display albums rated better than a certain value:
On the "Search" tab, rating values can be used as a part of a search request.
Besides the described options, album rating is also available on the "Collection" tab and in Reports. In addition to showing exact rating values in Reports, Musicnizer can build reports with your albums sorted by rating.